For Users

Who can use the European Academic Coworking Network (EACN)?
The EACN is open to members of higher education institutions (HEIs) whose coworking spaces are EACN affiliate spaces. You are eligible to use the network and book a workplace in an EACN affiliate space if you have an e-mail address that identifies you as a member of an HEI with an EACN affiliate space. Hence, make sure to use your university e-mail address when you register for the EACN, as it is needed to identify you as a member of a HEI with an EACN affiliate space. If the coworking space of you institution is not an EACN affiliate space, please encourage them to become one! :)
How do I book a space?
To book a workplace in one of our member spaces, select the coworking space you wish to work in on the EACN map or use the list on the left. Next, go to the detail page and select the desired date and time slot you want to reserve the workplace. Add any further comments and submit your booking request. Upon submitting your booking request, you will receive a confirmation e-mail and a member of the workspace team will come back to you and answer your request.
How do I know that the space management confirmed my booking?
Visit the Bookings tab to view your past and future bookings. Under Status, you find the current state of your booking requests:
  • A green tick mark indicates that the space management confirmed your request.
  • A blue clock indicates that the space management still needs to process your request.
  • A red X indicates that the space management denied your request.
The space management confirmed my booking request. What is next?
Now you can visit the space you want to work on the data and time you selected. Make sure to follow any further information communicated to you by the space management. If you decide to not visit the workplace that you booked in the EACN affiliate space, please make surer to cancel your booking by clicking the red rubbish bin icon in the Bookings tab!
The space management does still not answer my booking request. What should I do?
Please give the space management team appropriate time to process your request. If it is not processed within 2 working days, please refer to the contact information on the detail page of the space or in the e-mail that you received after booking the space.
The space management rejected my booking request. What should I do?
If the affiliate space management rejected your booking request (e.g., due to closure or a large-scale event), the management will send you an e-mail that includes the reason for the rejection and an alternative time slot when you can visit the space. Please re-submit your request, keeping in mind the alternative timeslot communicated to you by the space management. Of course, you can also request a workspace for a different timeslot, if the timeslot suggested by the space management does not suit your schedule.
I would like to change the date and time of my booking. What should I do?
If you wish to alter the date and time of your booking, please either cancel and re-submit the booking request with the correct date and times. Alternatively, get in touch with the manager of the EACN affiliate space that you want to visit.
The coworking space of my HEI is not an EACN affiliate space. Can I still participate in the network?
The EACN is open to members of HEIs that have an EACN affiliate space. You cannot use the network, as long as the coworking space of your HEI signs up as a network member. Please encourage them to join our network! :)
I would like to change my personal information or e-mail address. What should I do?
If you would like to update your personal information, please visit your Profile that you can access by selecting your name in the upper right corner of the website. There, you can review your past and future bookings and alter your name, e-mail address and password.
More questions?

For Coworking Space Managers

I want to sign up my coworking space to become an EACN affiliate space! How do I do that?
Thanks for your interest to become an EACN affiliate space! The EACN is open to coworking spaces that are connected to a higher education institute. If you want to sign up your space, please create an EACN profile for your coworking space. Once you have registered, you can either add your coworking space or claim your coworking space if it is already present on the map on the Spaces tab.
My space is not yet on the map. How do turn my space into an EACN affiliate space?
Once registered, you can add the information of your space using the Space tab that you can access when clicking on your space name in the upper right-hand corner. In the menu, you can alter the name and description of your coworking space, enter its address, and contact information. Further, you can add your logo and pictures of your space, display the total number of workplaces and workplaces open to EACN members, as well as add any amenities that you offer. Please also make sure to add the e-mail endings of your HEIs members so they can be identified as members of an EACN affiliate space. Otherwise, they will not be able to use the network! Further, please add your opening hours and any periods of closure on the Bookings tab. Users will then not be able to book a workplace during your opening hours.
I have received a booking for a workplace in my space. What should I do?
Congrats on receiving your first booking! To respond to the booking, please review it in the bookings list on the Bookings tab. There you can either confirm or deny the booking
I have confirmed a booking. How do I proceed from here?
When confirming the booking, please contact the user to communicate any further information (e.g., on how to find your space or submit your house rules). Please make sure that staff is present at the scheduled time to welcome the new user.
I need to deny a booking request. How do I proceed?
If you need to deny a booking (e.g., due to an event in your space or because no more workspaces are left), please add the reason for the denial and suggest an alternative time slot to the user. The user will then re-submit a booking request with an alternative timeslot.
A user did not show up to a booking he or she scheduled. What should I do?
Sorry to hear that! If a user did not show up to a booking he or she scheduled and did not cancel before, please send his or her profile information (Name and e-mail address) to