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Coworking at Pépite Corse @ Université de Corse

0 Seats

Since 2014, 241 students have obtained their student entrepreneur diploma, who have actually created their own company, INCLUDING 27 start-ups. But more broadly, the PÉPITE cluster raises awareness of the entrepreneurial spirit: more than 8800 students have already been made aware of this, and 2210 of them have received training in entrepreneurship and innovation.

So, you've got an idea, some energy and a desire to give it a try? Our team welcomes you to a friendly coworking space at the Palazzu Naziunale, at the foot of the citadel in Corte.


4 Rue Balthazar Arrighi, 20250 Corte

Opening hours

Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
